Monday, July 26, 2010

Buried Treasure!

Well, not really. But it's always fun to anticipate what I might find during a cleaning extravaganza.

So far I've found:
one very dead, very dry, shriveled up lizard.

a baby pacifier (we called them "suckers." Ah, memories)

an unopened package of Coconut m&m's which I kindly shared.

a perfectly unopened can of Strawberry Crush which I hid in the fridge and have *zero* plans to kindly share.

**The perfect place for Stetson's water and food bowls. Why have I never (in almost 4 years!) thought of putting them out of the way, under the kitchen desk?

(added 7/27) an entire canister of coffee grounds we all forgot about. Had been stored there since last year's Great Transformation. Apparently I promptly forgot that I had reorganized them.

(added 8/4) MarioKart 64 for the DS! Jon was sure happy!


I'm sure it'll get more interesting as I go along.

The kitchen is looking good. Fridge, windows, floors and baseboards are on the agenda for tomorrow ~ then the real trick will be figuring out how not to cook anything for the rest of the summer ;-)

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