Saturday, June 5, 2010

One week down

Okay, I could get used to this sleeping in thing. And I don't think I've left home since last Friday. It's been wonderful. It's sad when staying home for a whole week becomes a novelty.

Ashley isn't quite finished with her schoolwork for the year, so she and I are still working. Teaching only one kid. . . let me just say it literally feels like I have time to breathe!

We've done some interesting project-type things this week. There was a pretty broad hint in one of the study guides that Ashley will need to know how to interpret a library subject search on the final. Even as an adult, I looked at the information on the page and thought "Huh?" for a couple of the questions. I decided it would be easier for Ashley to know where to find the information if she was the one who put it there in the first place, so we made our own card catalog / subject search using books from our own home library. It's getting really lengthy now, and since we have to cut them out anyway to put them in ABC order, I thought it would be fun to tape them to the wall and have a huge subject-search wall from ceiling to floor.

One thing that's really been easy about teaching Ashley is that she thinks and retains information the same way I do. So I can tell her "colony . . .check out the base word and the prefix: CO LONE -- they're together, but alone. A settlement ruled by another country." And we're done with that one. Forever.

Anyway, having time to do the fun projects and be creative is just what I needed. It feels like summer camp (Ashley doesn't completely agree since her brothers have nothing better to do than to watch SpongeBob and play video games).

But we'll be finished soon. And then it'll be on to house-cleaning and painting and decorating! Can't wait!


  1. We have another 10 days or so to finish our school year stuff. Then on to summer studies. Tell the boys they lose brain cells each time they watch Spongebob! That's what I tell Sydney but I guess it's no more mind numbing than the Bugs Bunny/Roadrunner Hour...right? Have a fun summer and hopefully we will run into each other!

  2. To tell the truth, SpongeBob and Patrick get on my nerves. But (and I should be so totally ashamed to admit this) I find Squidward extremely amusing. He says all the things I think in my head, but never say out loud. It's like I get some sort of bizarre vicarious enjoyment out it -- in spite of the fact that he's a completely fictional character, speaking, of course, to other fictional characters. Maybe that's why I permit myself to enjoy it, though -- because they're not real.
