Monday, April 26, 2010

Funny Jon

Last night, the only clean shirt available after Jon got out of the bathtub was a purple 101 Dalmatians puppy shirt that says, "I need a hug." I told him I thought it would be fine and that he was just going to bed and that nobody would see it in the dark -- the other clothes were in the dryer and he could change in the morning.

He came downstairs this morning and peeked around the railing.

"Mom.," he said, " I actually like two different colors of purple -- both darker than this. I also like many different types of dogs, especially brown ones. Brown, boyish ones. And I do also like these types of dogs, but only the real kind and not on shirts."

He went on to say some more about it, the gist of which being that the purple dalmatian shirt wasn't really his choice and that he happened to be wearing it due to some unusual circumstances. . .and please not to laugh at him. But unfortunately it was really early in the morning (have I ever mentioned that mornings aren't my thing?) and I can't remember the rest verbatim any more. I promise it was equally funny, though.

The rest of us are a pretty quiet bunch, so Jon's dry, matter-of-fact speeches really add a nice element to family life -- like little splashes of color here and there.

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