Thursday, January 21, 2010

A funny dream

I've often thought that having a clone would help me get all my work done, but I had a really funny dream last night that made me realize how counter-productive it would actually be.

I am a perfectionist. My motto has forever been, "Anything worth doing is worth doing well. . . (unless, of course, there's not enough time to do it well . . .in which case don't bother.)"

I'd rather not do anything than do a half-way job of something. I have tried to just do the minimum before (or even just slightly better than average job of something) and it takes more energy to remind myself every fifteen seconds not to go all-out than it would to do the whole thing Sherilyn-style in the first place.

Anyway, this dream was so me. Double me, actually. I dreamed that I really did have a clone to help share the tremendous workload around here. She was my exact carbon-copy. . . identical in every way, and what did we do? Absolutely nothing except argue over who was going to do the work. . . because neither of us trusted the other to do it as well as I would.

No, I guess a clone wouldn't help me. In the end, I think there's a certain satisfaction that goes with having ownership of the completed task. . .and that's the part I didn't want to share.

things are busier than ever around here. I'm teaching Ashley at home in addition to the same drop-off and pick-up schedule from before. But I am absolutely loving every minute of teaching her.

1 comment:

  1. I think with me as well...a clone would just mean twice as much didn't get done! I've learned to accept that halfway blesses my family more than none. It's very hard though because I get overwhelmed sometimes and can't see the forest for the trees so to speak. I'm praying for you to resolve this so you can have a little you sweetie!
