Thursday, October 22, 2009

Update on nothing

My days have been pretty much the same. Drop kids off, volunteer at the school some. . .pick kids up. . .lunch, homework, dinner. . . pack backpacks/snacks and/or lunches, lay out clothes. If I'm in bed by midnight it's a miracle.

I've been using the weekends to work on decorating Ashley's room in a back yard theme. It's turning out really nice, but I don't want to spoil the effect with pictures before it's complete. There's a lighthouse cove, picket fences, trees, a rose garden and a sky complete with fluffy clouds. I'll need construction help with Phase III, so I won't be able to call it complete until a little after Thanksgiving.

In true Sherilyn fashion, I have been focusing every available scrap of time and attention on her room. . . and the beautiful house I worked so hard to clean this summer is falling down around my ears again.

A quote from last night: "And now I have the unfortunate task of laying out clothes for children who have no clean laundry."

It's not too far gone, though. This weekend will be a cleaning weekend. . . (no matter how compelled I feel to finish the arbor over Ashely's window).

More description and pictures to come. . .
But now it's time for me to go hurry up and wait in line for the first
pick-up of the day :)

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